Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Flag of the German State of Baden-Württemberg, established in 1952.

Made by Subi

Original Flag:

Hesse, Kurhessen, Greater Hesse & Hesse-Kassel

The Flag of Hesse-Kassel, in both Landgraviate (1567-1803), and Electorate (1803-1807, 1814-1866), as well as the Prussian Province of Kurhessen (1944-1945), and the German Provinces of Greater Hesse (1945-1946) and Hesse (1946- ).

Original Flag:

City of Milan

Flag of the City of Milan, attributed to its patron saint, Saint Ambrose (Bishop of Milan from 378-397).

Made by Subi

Original Flag:

Autonomous Region of Sardinia

The Four Moors Flag, the Flag of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, adopted in 1999.

Made by Subi

Original Flag:

Duchy of Florence & Grand Duchy of Tuscany (1569-1737)

This flag is the flag of Monarchist Tuscany (the Duchy of Florence and later, after the annexation of the Republic of Siena, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany) under the House of Medici.

Made by Subi

Original Flag:

Comtat Venaissin

Flag of the Comtat Venaissin, a fief of the Papal States. (1274-1791)

Made by Subi

Original Flag:

German Spain

Flag of Spain defaced with the coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Made by Subi

German Canada

Flag of Canada defaced with the arms of the Arms of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Made by Subi

Italian Regency of Carnaro

Flag of the Italian Regency of Carnaro, a short lived city-state in Fiume (now Rijeka in Croatia) that lasted fifteen months (12 September 1919-30 December 1920), before it was conquered by the Kingdom of Italy.

Shield made by Melkor89 and Flag made by skbrewer.

Original Flag:

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Württemberg & Württemberg-Hohenzollern

Flag of Württemberg, which includes the County of Württemberg (1089-1495), the Duchy of Württemberg (1495-1803), the Electorate of Württemberg (1803-1806), the Kingdom of Württemberg (1806-1918), the Free People's State of Württemberg (1918-1945) and the State of Württemberg-Hohenzollern (1945-1952)

Made by MrNazar

Original Flag: